Der internationale protestantische Friedhof in Teheran-Baghershahr
ist der einzige protestantische Friedhof in Iran. Er wird getragen von einem Friedhofskommittee aus sieben Botschaften. Seit den 1990er Jahren verwaltet ihn unsere Gemeinde.
Um diesen Friedhof hat sich besonders unser ehemaliger Pfarrer Ingo Koll (+2023) während seiner Amtszeit von 2009 bis 2016 gekümmert. Er hat eine offizielle Webseite aufgebaut mit detaillierten Informationen und vielen Fotos. Es lohnt sich, da reinzuschauen.
Der Friedhof wird gepflegt von einem Friedhofsgärtner. Er ist nur nach Vorabsprache mit Frau Fouroutan (Gemeindebüro) zugänglich. Sie erteilt Ihnen auch gern weitere Auskünfte.
The Tehran Protestant Cemetery is a graveyard which is managed by the German Speaking Evangelical Congregation on behalf of the International Ambassadors' Committee for the Cemetery.
The first Protestant Cemetery in Tehran was started in 1890 in the area of Akbarabad just south of Tehran. Because at that time nearly all Protestant Christians were foreigners, the cemetery was set up under a committee of ambassadors from predominantly Protestant countries. As the city grew the cemetery became part of the city area.
Until the Iranian revolution the administration was done by American Presbyterian clergy. In 1992 the ambassadors asked the German Speaking Evangelical Congregation being the last international Protestant church in Teheran to take over this duty. The new site for the present cemetery was provided and equipped by the municipality of Tehran to replace the old protestant cemetery at Akbarabad and was consecrated on the first of July 1970.
As the number of burials has decreased sharply together with the number of foreigners living in Tehran, the cemetery does not have sufficient income on it's own from burial fees. The upkeep relies on contributions from the embassies of the International Committee together with donations from wellwishers.